Search For Campbellsville, KY Primary Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metals, Except Copper and Aluminum Businesses

Kentucky Business Directory

Find in Campbellsville, Kentucky Primary Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metals, Except Copper and Aluminum businesses. Search Primary Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metals, Except Copper and Aluminum local businesses located in Campbellsville, KY to get the pet products and services you want and need.

Find Primary Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metals, Except Copper and Aluminum Businesses

Primary Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metals, Except Copper and Aluminum

The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with local Campbellsville Kentucky Primary Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metals, Except Copper and Aluminum businesses - small and large. In Campbellsville there are local businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.

These Campbellsville, KY Primary Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metals, Except Copper and Aluminum businesses can help you find the goods and services you are searching for.

The SIC code for these Campbellsville local businesses is: 3339.

Campbellsville, Kentucky - Primary Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metals, Except Copper and Aluminum Businesses
B And W Metals

What Is The Description For Primary Smelting and Refining of Nonferrous Metals, Except Copper and Aluminum Businesses?

Establishments primarily engaged in smelting and refining nonferrous metals, except copper and aluminum. Establishments primarily engaged in rolling, drawing, and extruding these nonferrous primary metals are classified in Industry 3356, and the production of bullion at the site of the mine is classified in Division B, Mining.

  • Antifriction bearing metals, lead-base: primary
  • Antimony refining, primary
  • Babbitt metal, primary
  • Beryllium metal
  • Bismuth refining, primary
  • Blocks, zinc, primary
  • Cadmium refining, primary
  • Chromium refining, primary
  • Cobalt refining, primary
  • Columbium refining, primary
  • Germanium refining, primary
  • Gold refining, primary
  • Ingots, primary: nonferrous metals, except copper and aluminum
  • Iridium refining, primary
  • Lead pigs, blocks, ingots, and refinery shapes: primary
  • Lead smelting and refining, primary
  • Magnesium refining, primary
  • Nickel refining, primary
  • Nonferrous refining, primary: except copper and aluminum
  • Nonferrous smelting, primary: except copper and aluminum
  • Pigs, primary: nonferrous metals, except copper and aluminum
  • Platinum-group metals refining, primary
  • Precious metal refining, primary
  • Primary refining of nonferrous metal: except copper and aluminum
  • Primary smelting of nonferrous metal: except copper and aluminum
  • Refining of nonferrous metal, primary: except copper and aluminum
  • Rhenium refining, primary
  • Selenium refining, primary
  • Silicon refining, primary (over 99 percent pure)
  • Silicon, epitaxial (silicon alloy)
  • Silicon, pure
  • Silver refining, primary
  • Slabs, primary: nonferrous metals, except copper and aluminum
  • Smelting of nonferrous metal, primary: except copper and aluminum
  • Spelter (zinc), primary
  • Tantalum refining
  • Tellurium refining, primary
  • Tin base alloys, primary
  • Tin refining, primary
  • Titanium metal sponge and granules
  • Zinc dust, primary
  • Zirconium metal sponge and granules
Kentucky Business Directory