Search For Campbellsville, KY Metal Stampings, Not Elsewhere Classified Businesses

Kentucky Business Directory

Find in Campbellsville, Kentucky Metal Stampings, Not Elsewhere Classified businesses. Search Metal Stampings, Not Elsewhere Classified local businesses located in Campbellsville, KY to get the pet products and services you want and need.

Find Metal Stampings, Not Elsewhere Classified Businesses

Metal Stampings, Not Elsewhere Classified

The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with local Campbellsville Kentucky Metal Stampings, Not Elsewhere Classified businesses - small and large. In Campbellsville there are local businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.

These Campbellsville, KY Metal Stampings, Not Elsewhere Classified businesses can help you find the goods and services you are searching for.

The SIC code for these Campbellsville local businesses is: 3469.

Campbellsville, Kentucky - Metal Stampings, Not Elsewhere Classified Businesses
Russell Metal Spinning, Incorporated

What Is The Description For Metal Stampings, Not Elsewhere Classified Businesses?

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing metal stampings and spun products, not elsewhere classified, including porcelain enameled products. Products of this industry include household appliance housings and parts; cooking and kitchen utensils; and other nonautomotive job stampings.

  • Appliance parts, porcelain enameled
  • Ashcans, stamped and pressed metal
  • Ashtrays, stamped metal
  • Automobile license tags, stamped metal
  • Bottle openers, stamped metal
  • Capacitor and condenser cans and cases: stamped metal
  • Cash and stamp boxes, stamped metal
  • Chassis, radio and television: stamped metal
  • Cookers, pressure: stamped or drawn
  • Cooking ware, porcelain enameled
  • Electronic enclosures: stamped or pressed
  • Fins, tube: stamped metal
  • Floor tile, stamped metal
  • Furniture components, porcelain enameled
  • Garbage cans, stamped and pressed metal
  • Helmets, steel
  • Honeycombed metal
  • Household utensils, stamped and pressed metal
  • Housings for business machines, stamped metal
  • Ice cream dippers
  • Ironer parts, porcelain enameled
  • Kitchen utensils, porcelain enameled
  • Kitchen utensils, stamped and pressed metal
  • Lunch boxes, stamped metal
  • Machine parts, stamped and pressed metal
  • Mail boxes, except collection boxes
  • Pails, stamped and pressed metal: except tinned and shipping type
  • Pans, stamped and pressed metal: except tinned
  • Patterns on metal
  • Perforated metal, stamped
  • Perforating on light metal
  • Rigidizing metal
  • Spinning metal, for the trade
  • Stamping metal, for the trade
  • Store fronts, porcelain enameled
  • Stove parts, porcelain enameled
  • Table tops, porcelain enameled
  • Teakettles, except electric: stamped metal
  • Tool boxes, stamped metal
  • Utensils, metal, except cast: household, commercial, and hospital
  • Utensils, porcelain enameled: household, commercial, and hospital
  • Washing machine parts, porcelain enameled
  • Wastebaskets, stamped metal
Kentucky Business Directory