Search For Bowling Green, KY Commercial Physical and Biological Research Businesses

Kentucky Business Directory

Find in Bowling Green, Kentucky Commercial Physical and Biological Research businesses. Search Commercial Physical and Biological Research local businesses located in Bowling Green, KY to get the pet products and services you want and need.

Find Commercial Physical and Biological Research Businesses

Commercial Physical and Biological Research

The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with local Bowling Green Kentucky Commercial Physical and Biological Research businesses - small and large. In Bowling Green there are local businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.

These Bowling Green, KY Commercial Physical and Biological Research businesses can help you find the goods and services you are searching for.

The SIC code for these Bowling Green local businesses is: 8731.

Bowling Green, Kentucky - Commercial Physical and Biological Research Businesses
Appalachian Environmental Services
Collier Technologies, Incorporated
Commonwealth Energy And Technolo
Edmunds Inspection
En Safe Incorporated
Microsensor Systems Incorporated
Millstone Labs Limited Liability Company
Pfizer Incorporated
Southern Environmental Services

What Is The Description For Commercial Physical and Biological Research Businesses?

Establishments primarily engaged in commercial physical and biological research and development on a contract or fee basis. Noncommercial research establishments funded by endowments, grants, or contributions are classified in Industry 8733. Separate establishments of aircraft, guided missile, or spacecraft manufacturers primarily engaged in research and development on these products are classified in Manufacturing, Major Group 37.

  • Agricultural research,
  • Biological research commercial
  • Chemical laboratories, commercial research except testing
  • Engineering laboratories, commercial research: except testing
  • Food research commercial
  • Industrial laboratories commercial research: except testing
  • Physical research commercial
  • Research and development physical and biological: commercial
Kentucky Business Directory