Search For Villa Hills, KY Electric Lamp Bulbs and Tubes Businesses

Kentucky Business Directory

Find in Villa Hills, Kentucky Electric Lamp Bulbs and Tubes businesses. Search Electric Lamp Bulbs and Tubes local businesses located in Villa Hills, KY to get the pet products and services you want and need.

Find Electric Lamp Bulbs and Tubes Businesses

Electric Lamp Bulbs and Tubes

The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with local Villa Hills Kentucky Electric Lamp Bulbs and Tubes businesses - small and large. In Villa Hills there are local businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.

These Villa Hills, KY Electric Lamp Bulbs and Tubes businesses can help you find the goods and services you are searching for.

The SIC code for these Villa Hills local businesses is: 3641.

Villa Hills, Kentucky - Electric Lamp Bulbs and Tubes Businesses
A And B Emergency Solutions Limited Liability Company

What Is The Description For Electric Lamp Bulbs and Tubes Businesses?

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing electric bulbs, tubes, and related light sources. Important products of this industry include incandescent filament lamps, vapor and fluorescent lamps, photoflash and photoflood lamps, and electrotherapeutic lamp units for ultraviolet and infrared radiation. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing glass blanks for bulbs are classified in Industry 3229.

  • Electrodes, cold cathode fluorescent lamp
  • Electrotherapeutic lamp units for ultraviolet and infrared radiation
  • Filaments for electric lamps
  • Flashlight bulbs, photographic
  • Glow lamp bulbs
  • Infrared lamp bulbs
  • Lamp (bulb) parts, electric
  • Lamp bulbs and tubes, electric: incandescent filament, fluorescent,
  • Lamp bulb and tubes, health: infrared and ultraviolet radiation
  • Lamps, sealed beam
  • Lead-in wires, electric lamp: made from purchased wire
  • Light bulbs, electric: complete
  • Photoflash and photoflood lamp bulb and tubes
  • Strobotrons
  • Ultraviolet lamps
Kentucky Business Directory