Search For Somerset, KY Tires and Inner Tubes Businesses

Kentucky Business Directory

Find in Somerset, Kentucky Tires and Inner Tubes businesses. Search Tires and Inner Tubes local businesses located in Somerset, KY to get the pet products and services you want and need.

Find Tires and Inner Tubes Businesses

Tires and Inner Tubes

The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with local Somerset Kentucky Tires and Inner Tubes businesses - small and large. In Somerset there are local businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.

These Somerset, KY Tires and Inner Tubes businesses can help you find the goods and services you are searching for.

The SIC code for these Somerset local businesses is: 3011.

Somerset, Kentucky - Tires and Inner Tubes Businesses
Fitzer Enterprises, Incorporated
Ims Fabrication, Incorporated

What Is The Description For Tires and Inner Tubes Businesses?

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing pneumatic casings, inner tubes, and solid and cushion tires for all types of vehicles, airplanes, farm equipment, and children's vehicles; tiring; camelback; and tire repair and retreading materials. Establishments primarily engaged in retreading tires are classified in services, Industry 7534.

  • Camelback for tire retreading
  • Inner tubes: airplane, automobile, bicycle, motorcycle, and tractor
  • Pneumatic casings (rubber tires)
  • Tire sundries and tire repair materials, rubber
  • Tires, cushion or solid rubber
  • Tiring, continuous lengths: rubber, with or without metal core
Kentucky Business Directory