About F B Purnell Sausage Company Incorporated in Simpsonville, KY

Kentucky Business Directory

Check out F B Purnell Sausage Company Incorporated at Po Box 366 Simpsonville, KY 40067 if your looking for Meat and Fish (Seafood) Markets, Including Freezer Provisioners in Simpsonville, Kentucky.

F B Purnell Sausage Company Incorporated In Simpsonville, KY

F B Purnell Sausage Company Incorporated is primarily operates in Meat and Fish (Seafood) Markets, Including Freezer Provisioners.

F B Purnell Sausage Company Incorporated's Contact Information

F B Purnell Sausage Company Incorporated
Po Box 366
Simpsonville, KY 40067

Phone: (502) 722-5626

F B Purnell Sausage Company Incorporated In Simpsonville, KY
Kentucky Business Directory