Search For Sanders Kentucky Businesses

Kentucky Business Directory

Find the Sanders, Kentucky the products and services you need from local Sanders KY businesses large and small at the Kentucky Business Directory.

Find Sanders KY Businesses

Sanders Kentucky Businesses

The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with with local Sanders KY businesses - small and large.

In Sanders there are local Kentucky businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.

Government agencies, large and small businesses, and individuals can search this directory of Kentucky businesses in Sanders to identify potential vendors and/or business partners and to shop.

Click on the industry to see the business listings in Sanders:

Business Type In Sanders SIC Code
Tobacco 0132
Field Crops, Except Cash Grains, Not Elsewhere Classified 0139
General Farms, Primarily Crop 0191
Beef Cattle Feedlots 0211
Horses and Other Equines 0272
Livestock Services, Except Veterinary 0751
General Contractors-Single-Family Houses 1521
Plumbing, Heating and Air-Conditioning 1711
Local Trucking Without Storage 4212
Trucking, Except Local 4213
Arrangement of Transportation of Freight and Cargo 4731
Motor Vehicle Parts, Used 5015
Computers and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software 5045
Jewelry, Watches, Precious Stones, and Precious Metals 5094
Candy, Nut, and Confectionery Stores 5441
Miscellaneous Food Stores 5499
Gasoline Service Stations 5541
Eating Places 5812
Sporting Goods Stores and Bicycle Shops 5941
Land Subdividers and Developers, Except Cemeteries 6552
Recreational Vehicle Parks and Campsites 7033
Photographic Studios, Portrait 7221
Beauty Shops 7231
Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified 7389
General Automotive Repair Shops 7538
Automotive Services, Except Repair and Carwashes 7549
Membership Sports and Recreation Clubs 7997
Business Consulting Services, Not Elsewhere Classified 8748
Nonclassifiable Establishments 8999
Services, Not Elsewhere Classified 9999