Search For Richmond, KY Electronic Components, Not Elsewhere Classified Businesses

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Find Electronic Components, Not Elsewhere Classified Businesses

Electronic Components, Not Elsewhere Classified

The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with local Richmond Kentucky Electronic Components, Not Elsewhere Classified businesses - small and large. In Richmond there are local businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.

These Richmond, KY Electronic Components, Not Elsewhere Classified businesses can help you find the goods and services you are searching for.

The SIC code for these Richmond local businesses is: 3679.

Richmond, Kentucky - Electronic Components, Not Elsewhere Classified Businesses
Inter-Commercial Business Sys
Satellite Link Systems, Incorporated

What Is The Description For Electronic Components, Not Elsewhere Classified Businesses?

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing electronic components, not elsewhere classified, such as receiving antennas, switches, and waveguides. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing radio and television transmitting antennas are classified in Industry 3663.

  • Antennas, receiving: automobile, home, and portable
  • Antennas, satellite: home type
  • Attenuators
  • Commutators, electronic
  • Cores, magnetic
  • Cryogenic cooling devices (e.g., cryostats) for infrared detectors and
  • Crystals and crystal assemblies, radio
  • Delay lines
  • Harness assemblies for electronic use: wire and cable
  • Headphones, radio
  • Heads, recording for speech and musical equipment
  • Hermetic seals for electronic equipment
  • Impedance conversion units, high frequency
  • Liquid crystal displays
  • Loads, electronic
  • Microwave components
  • Oscillators, except laboratory type
  • Parametric amplifiers
  • Passive repeaters
  • Phonograph needle cartridges
  • Phonograph needles
  • Piezoelectric crystals
  • Power supplies, static, and variable frequency
  • Pulse forming networks
  • Quartz crystals for electronic application
  • Recording and playback heads, magnetic
  • Recording heads for speech and musical equipment
  • Rectifiers, electronic: except solid-state
  • Resonant reed devices, electronic
  • Rheostats, electronic
  • Sockets, electronic tube
  • Solenoids for electronic applications
  • Static power supply converters for electronic applications
  • Step positioners for transmitting equipment
  • Styli, phonograph record cutting
  • Switches, electronic
  • Switches, stepping
  • Transducers for use in measuring and testing instruments and
  • Tube retainers, electronic
  • Tube spacers, mica
  • Tube transformer assemblies used in firing electronic tubes
  • Video triggers, except remote control television devices
  • Voice controls
  • Waveguides and fittings