Search For Park Hills, KY Motion Picture and Video Tape Production Businesses

Find in Park Hills, Kentucky Motion Picture and Video Tape Production businesses. Search Motion Picture and Video Tape Production local businesses located in Park Hills, KY to get the pet products and services you want and need.
Find Motion Picture and Video Tape Production Businesses

The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with local Park Hills Kentucky Motion Picture and Video Tape Production businesses - small and large. In Park Hills there are local businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.
These Park Hills, KY Motion Picture and Video Tape Production businesses can help you find the goods and services you are searching for.
The SIC code for these Park Hills local businesses is: 7812.
Park Hills, Kentucky - Motion Picture and Video Tape Production Businesses |
Dunn Productions, Incorporated |
What Is The Description For Motion Picture and Video Tape Production Businesses?
Establishments primarily engaged in the production of theatrical and nontheatrical motion pictures and video tapes for exhibition or sale, including educational, industrial, and religious films. Included in the industry are establishments engaged in both production and distribution. Producers of live radio and television programs are classified in Industry 7922. Establishments primarily engaged in motion picture and video tape reproduction are classified in Industry 7819 and those engaged in distribution are classified in Industry 7822.- Audiovisual motion picture program production
- Cartoon motion picture production
- Commercials, television: tape or film production
- Educational motion picture production
- Industrial motion picture production
- Motion picture production and distribution
- Music video production
- Nontheatrical motion picture production
- Religious motion picture production
- Tape production, video or motion picture
- Television film production
- Training motion picture production
- Video tape production