Search For Owensboro, KY Distilled and Blended Liquors Businesses

Kentucky Business Directory

Find in Owensboro, Kentucky Distilled and Blended Liquors businesses. Search Distilled and Blended Liquors local businesses located in Owensboro, KY to get the pet products and services you want and need.

Find Distilled and Blended Liquors Businesses

Distilled and Blended Liquors

The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with local Owensboro Kentucky Distilled and Blended Liquors businesses - small and large. In Owensboro there are local businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.

These Owensboro, KY Distilled and Blended Liquors businesses can help you find the goods and services you are searching for.

The SIC code for these Owensboro local businesses is: 2085.

Owensboro, Kentucky - Distilled and Blended Liquors Businesses
Charles Medley Distillery
Glenmore Distilleries Company

What Is The Description For Distilled and Blended Liquors Businesses?

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing alcoholic liquors by distillation, and in manufacturing cordials and alcoholic cocktails by blending processes or by mixing liquors and other ingredients. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing industrial alcohol are classified in Industry 2869, and those only bottling purchased liquors are classified in Wholesale Trade, Industry 5182.

  • Applejack
  • Cocktails, alcoholic
  • Cordials, alcoholic
  • Distillers'dried grains and solubles
  • Eggnog, alcoholic
  • Ethyl alcohol for medicinal and beverage purposes
  • Gin (alcoholic beverage)
  • Grain alcohol for medicinal and beverage purposes
  • Liquors: distilled and blended-except brandy
  • Rum
  • Spirits, neutral, except fruit-for beverage purposes
  • Vodka
  • Whiskey: bourbon, rye, scotch type, and corn
Kentucky Business Directory