Search For Nancy, KY Farm Machinery and Equipment Businesses

Find in Nancy, Kentucky Farm Machinery and Equipment businesses. Search Farm Machinery and Equipment local businesses located in Nancy, KY to get the pet products and services you want and need.
Find Farm Machinery and Equipment Businesses

The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with local Nancy Kentucky Farm Machinery and Equipment businesses - small and large. In Nancy there are local businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.
These Nancy, KY Farm Machinery and Equipment businesses can help you find the goods and services you are searching for.
The SIC code for these Nancy local businesses is: 3523.
Nancy, Kentucky - Farm Machinery and Equipment Businesses |
Wedel Dairy Supply |
Wilson's Cedar Point Farms, Limited Liability Company |
What Is The Description For Farm Machinery and Equipment Businesses?
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing farm machinery and equipment, including wheel tractors, for use in the preparation and maintenance of the soil; planting and harvesting of the crop; preparing crops for market on the farm; or for use in performing other farm operations and processes. Included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing commercial mowing and other turf and grounds care equipment. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing farm handtools are classified in Industry Group 342, and those manufacturing garden tractors, lawnmowers and other lawn and garden equipment are classified in Industry 3524.- Agricultural implements and machinery
- Ammonia applicators and attachments (agricultural machinery)
- Bale throwers
- Balers, farm: e.g., hay, straw, cotton
- Barn cleaners
- Barn stanchions and standards
- Blowers and cutters, ensilage
- Blowers, forage
- Brooders
- Cabs, agricultural machinery
- Calf savers (farm equipment)
- Cattle feeding, handling, and watering equipment
- Cattle oilers (farm equipment)
- Chicken brooders
- Cleaning machines for fruits, grains and vegetables: farm
- Combines (harvester-threshers)
- Conveyors, farm (agricultural machinery)
- Corn pickers and shellers, farm
- Corrals, portable
- Cotton picker and stripper harvesting machinery
- Cream separators, farm
- Crop driers, farm
- Crushers, feed (agricultural machinery)
- Cultivators, agricultural field and row crop
- Cutters, ensilage
- Dairy equipment, farm
- Drags (agricultural equipment)
- Driers: grain, hay, and seed (agricultural implements)
- Dusters, mechanical: agricultural
- Elevators, farm
- Farm machinery and equipment
- Feed grinders, crushers, and mixers (agricultural machinery)
- Feeders, chicken
- Fertilizing machinery, farm
- Field type rotary tillers (agricultural machinery)
- Fruit, vegetable, berry, and grape harvesting machines
- Gates, holding (farm equipment)
- Grading, cleaning, and sorting machines: fruit, grain, and vegetable
- Grain drills, including legume planters (agricultural machinery)
- Grain stackers
- Greens mowing equipment
- Grounds mowing equipment
- Hair clippers for animal use, hand and electric
- Hammer and roughage mills (agricultural machinery)
- Harrows: disc, spring, and tine
- Harvesting machines
- Haying machines: mowers, rakes, loaders, stackers, balers, presses,
- Hog feeding, handling, and watering equipment
- Hulling machinery, agricultural
- Incubators, except laboratory and infant
- Irrigation equipment, self-propelled
- Land rollers and levelers (agricultural machinery)
- Listers
- Loaders, farm type (general utility)
- Milking machines
- Mowers and mower-conditioners, hay
- Peanut combines, diggers, packers, and threshers (agricultural
- Planting machines, agricultural
- Plows, agricultural: disc, moldboard, chisel, etc.
- Potato diggers, harvesters, and planters (agricultural machinery)
- Poultry brooders, feeders, and waterers
- Poultry vision control devices
- Presses and balers, farm: hay, cotton, etc.
- Rakes, hay (agricultural machinery)
- Rotary hoes (agricultural machinery)
- Roughage mills (agricultural machinery)
- Seeders (agricultural machinery)
- Separators, grain and berry: farm
- Shears, sheep: power
- Shellers, nut (agricultural machinery)
- Shredders (agricultural machinery)
- Silo fillers (agricultural machinery)
- Soil pulverizers and packers (agricultural machinery)
- Sorting machines for agricultural products
- Sprayers, hand: agricultural
- Spraying machines (agricultural machinery)
- Spreaders, fertilizer
- Tobacco curers
- Tractors, wheel: farm type
- Trailers and wagons, farm
- Transplanters
- Turf equipment, commercial
- Vine pullers
- Volume guns (irrigation equipment)
- Water troughs
- Weeding machines, farm
- Windmills for pumping water (agricultural machinery)
- Windrowers (agricultural machinery)