Search For Murray, KY Motors and Generators Businesses
Find in Murray, Kentucky Motors and Generators businesses. Search Motors and Generators local businesses located in Murray, KY to get the pet products and services you want and need.
Find Motors and Generators Businesses
The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with local Murray Kentucky Motors and Generators businesses - small and large. In Murray there are local businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.
These Murray, KY Motors and Generators businesses can help you find the goods and services you are searching for.
The SIC code for these Murray local businesses is: 3621.
Murray, Kentucky - Motors and Generators Businesses |
Jakel, Incorporated |
What Is The Description For Motors and Generators Businesses?
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing electric motors (except engine starting motors) and power generators; motor generator sets; railway motors and control equipment; and motors, generators, and control equipment for gasoline, electric, and oil-electric buses and trucks. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing turbo-generators are classified in Industry 3511; those manufacturing starting motors and battery charging generators for internal combustion engines are classified in Industry 3694; and those manufacturing generators for welding equipment are classified in Industry 3548.- Armatures, industrial
- Coils for motors and generators
- Collector rings for motors and generators
- Commutators, electric motor
- Control equipment for buses and trucks
- Converters, phase and rotary: electrical equipment
- Dynamos, electric: except automotive
- Dynamotors
- Exciter assemblies, motor and generator
- Frequency converters (electric generators)
- Generating apparatus and parts, electrical: except internal combustion
- Generator sets: gasoline, diesel, and dual fuel
- Generators and sets, electric: except internal combustion engine,
- Generators for gas-electric and oil-electric vehicles
- Generators for storage battery chargers, except internal combustion
- Inverters, rotating: electrical
- Motor generator sets, except automotive and turbo generators
- Motor housings
- Motors, electric: except engine starting motors and gear motors
- Power generators
- Railway motors and control equipment, electric
- Resolvers
- Rotary converters (electrical equipment)
- Rotor retainers and housings
- Rotors for motors
- Servomotors
- Sliprings for motors and generators
- Starting equipment, for streetcars
- Stators for motors
- Storage battery chargers, engine generator type
- Synchronous condensers and timing motors, electric
- Synchros
- Torque motors, electric