Search For Louisville, KY Jewelers' Findings and Materials, and Lapidary Work Businesses

Kentucky Business Directory

Find in Louisville, Kentucky Jewelers' Findings and Materials, and Lapidary Work businesses. Search Jewelers' Findings and Materials, and Lapidary Work local businesses located in Louisville, KY to get the pet products and services you want and need.

Find Jewelers' Findings and Materials, and Lapidary Work Businesses

Jewelers' Findings and Materials, and Lapidary Work

The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with local Louisville Kentucky Jewelers' Findings and Materials, and Lapidary Work businesses - small and large. In Louisville there are local businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.

These Louisville, KY Jewelers' Findings and Materials, and Lapidary Work businesses can help you find the goods and services you are searching for.

The SIC code for these Louisville local businesses is: 3915.

Louisville, Kentucky - Jewelers' Findings and Materials, and Lapidary Work Businesses
Rebecca Mcclellan

What Is The Description For Jewelers' Findings and Materials, and Lapidary Work Businesses?

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing unassembled jewelry parts and stock shop products, such as sheet, wire, and tubing; and establishments of lapidaries primarily engaged in cutting, slabbing, tumbling, carving, engraving, polishing or faceting stones from natural or manmade precious or semiprecious gem raw materials, either for sale or on a contract basis for the trade; in recutting, repolishing, and setting gem stones; or in cutting, drilling, and otherwise preparing jewels for instruments, dies, watches, chronometers, and other industrial uses. This industry includes the drilling, sawing, and peeling of real or cultured pearls. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing synthetic stones for gem stones and industrial use are classified in Industry 3299, and those manufacturing artificial pearls are classified in Industry 3961.

  • Diamond cutting and polishing
  • Diamond points for phonograph needles
  • Jewel bearings, synthetic
  • Jewel cutting, drilling, polishing, recutting, or setting
  • Jewel preparing: for instruments, tools, watches, and jewelry
  • Jewelers'findings and materials
  • Jewelry parts, unassembled
  • Jewelry polishing for the trade
  • Jewelry soldering for the trade
  • Lapidary work, contract and other
  • Machine chain, platinum or karat gold
  • Pearls: drilling, sawing or peeling of
  • Pin stems (jewelry findings)
  • Soldering for the jewelry trade
  • Stones: preparation of real and imitation gems for settings
Kentucky Business Directory