Search For Lexington, KY Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts Businesses

Kentucky Business Directory

Find in Lexington, Kentucky Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts businesses. Search Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts local businesses located in Lexington, KY to get the pet products and services you want and need.

Find Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts Businesses

Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts

The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with local Lexington Kentucky Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts businesses - small and large. In Lexington there are local businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.

These Lexington, KY Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts businesses can help you find the goods and services you are searching for.

The SIC code for these Lexington local businesses is: 2024.

Lexington, Kentucky - Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts Businesses
Brumfield Enterprises Incorporated
Csch Limited Liability Company
Frosty Treats Of Louisville
Jw, Limited Liability Company
Md Holdings, Limited Liability Company
Vinayak Limited Liability Company

What Is The Description For Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts Businesses?

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing ice cream and other frozen desserts. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing frozen bakery products, such as cakes and pies, are classified in Industry 2053.

  • Custard, frozen
  • Desserts, frozen: except bakery
  • Fruit pops, frozen
  • Ice cream: e.g., bulk, packaged, molded, on sticks
  • Ice milk: e.g., bulk, packaged, molded, on sticks
  • Ices and sherbets
  • Juice pops, frozen
  • Mellorine
  • Parfait
  • Pops, dessert: frozen-flavored ice, fruit pudding and gelatin
  • Pudding pops, frozen
  • Sherbets and ices
  • Spumoni
  • Tofu frozen desserts
  • Yogurt, frozen
Kentucky Business Directory