Search For Jonesville Kentucky Businesses

Kentucky Business Directory

Find the Jonesville, Kentucky the products and services you need from local Jonesville KY businesses large and small at the Kentucky Business Directory.

Find Jonesville KY Businesses

Jonesville Kentucky Businesses

The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with with local Jonesville KY businesses - small and large.

In Jonesville there are local Kentucky businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.

Government agencies, large and small businesses, and individuals can search this directory of Kentucky businesses in Jonesville to identify potential vendors and/or business partners and to shop.

Click on the industry to see the business listings in Jonesville:

Business Type In Jonesville SIC Code
Tobacco 0132
Field Crops, Except Cash Grains, Not Elsewhere Classified 0139
Beef Cattle, Except Feedlots 0212
Special Trade Contractors, Not Elsewhere Classified 1799
Trucking, Except Local 4213
Eating Places 5812
Operators of Nonresidential Buildings 6512
Business Services, Not Elsewhere Classified 7389
Repair Shops and Related Services, Not Elsewhere Classified 7699
Residential Care 8361
Civic, Social, and Fraternal Associations 8641
Services, Not Elsewhere Classified 9999
Kentucky Business Directory