Search For Florence, KY Shortening, Table Oils, Margarine, and Other Edible Fats and Oils, Not Elsewhere Classified Businesses

Kentucky Business Directory

Find in Florence, Kentucky Shortening, Table Oils, Margarine, and Other Edible Fats and Oils, Not Elsewhere Classified businesses. Search Shortening, Table Oils, Margarine, and Other Edible Fats and Oils, Not Elsewhere Classified local businesses located in Florence, KY to get the pet products and services you want and need.

Find Shortening, Table Oils, Margarine, and Other Edible Fats and Oils, Not Elsewhere Classified Businesses

Shortening, Table Oils, Margarine, and Other Edible Fats and Oils, Not Elsewhere Classified

The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with local Florence Kentucky Shortening, Table Oils, Margarine, and Other Edible Fats and Oils, Not Elsewhere Classified businesses - small and large. In Florence there are local businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.

These Florence, KY Shortening, Table Oils, Margarine, and Other Edible Fats and Oils, Not Elsewhere Classified businesses can help you find the goods and services you are searching for.

The SIC code for these Florence local businesses is: 2079.

Florence, Kentucky - Shortening, Table Oils, Margarine, and Other Edible Fats and Oils, Not Elsewhere Classified Businesses
Ballard Nicholas E
Green Biofuels Limited Liability Company

What Is The Description For Shortening, Table Oils, Margarine, and Other Edible Fats and Oils, Not Elsewhere Classified Businesses?

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing shortening, table oils, margarine, and other edible fats and oils, not elsewhere classified. Establishments primarily engaged in producing corn oil are classified in Industry 2046.

  • Baking and frying fats (shortening)
  • Cottonseed cooking and salad oil
  • Margarine oil, except corn
  • Margarine, including imitation
  • Margarine butter blend
  • Nut margarine
  • Oil, hydrogenated: edible
  • Oil, partially hydrogenated: edible
  • Oil, vegetable winter stearin
  • Olive oil
  • Peanut cooking and salad oil
  • Shortenings, compound and vegetable
  • Soybean cooking and salad oil
  • Vegetable cooking and salad oil, except corn oil: refined
Kentucky Business Directory