Search For Buffalo, KY Direct Selling Establishments Businesses

Kentucky Business Directory

Find in Buffalo, Kentucky Direct Selling Establishments businesses. Search Direct Selling Establishments local businesses located in Buffalo, KY to get the pet products and services you want and need.

Find Direct Selling Establishments Businesses

Direct Selling Establishments

The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with local Buffalo Kentucky Direct Selling Establishments businesses - small and large. In Buffalo there are local businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.

These Buffalo, KY Direct Selling Establishments businesses can help you find the goods and services you are searching for.

The SIC code for these Buffalo local businesses is: 5963.

Buffalo, Kentucky - Direct Selling Establishments Businesses
Avon Sales Rep

What Is The Description For Direct Selling Establishments Businesses?

Establishments primarily engaged in the retail sale of merchandise by telephone; by house-to-house canvass; or from trucks or wagons or other temporary locations. Included in this industry are individuals who sell products by these methods and who are not employees of the organization which they represent, and establishments which are retail sales offices from which employees operate to sell merchandise from door-to-door.

  • Bakery goods, purchased: house-to-house-retail
  • Canvassers (door-to-door), headquarters for retail sale of merchandise
  • Dairy products, house-to-house-retail
  • Direct selling organizations (headquarters of door-to-door
  • House delivery of purchased milk-retail
  • House-to-house selling of coffee, soda, beer, bottled water, or other
  • Huckters-retail
  • Ice cream wagons-retail
  • Lunch wagons, mobile-retail
  • Magazine subscription sales, except mail-order-retail
  • Magazines, house-to-house selling
  • Milk delivery and sale of purchased milk, without processing-retail
  • Newspapers, home delivery: except by newspaper printers or
  • Party-plan merchandising-retail
Kentucky Business Directory