Search For Berry, KY Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified Businesses

Kentucky Business Directory

Find in Berry, Kentucky Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified businesses. Search Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified local businesses located in Berry, KY to get the pet products and services you want and need.

Find Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified Businesses

Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified

The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with local Berry Kentucky Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified businesses - small and large. In Berry there are local businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.

These Berry, KY Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified businesses can help you find the goods and services you are searching for.

The SIC code for these Berry local businesses is: 3599.

Berry, Kentucky - Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified Businesses
Spicer Machine Tool

What Is The Description For Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Equipment, Not Elsewhere Classified Businesses?

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing machinery and equipment and parts, not elsewhere classified, such as amusement park equipment and flexible metal hose and tubing. This industry also includes establishments primarily engaged in producing or repairing machinery and equipment parts, not elsewhere classified, on a job or order basis for others. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing motor vehicle engine filters are classified in Industry 3714, and those manufacturing coin-operated amusement machines are classified in Industry 3999.

  • Amusement rides for carnivals
  • Bellows, industrial: metal
  • Boiler tube cleaners
  • Carousels (merry-go-rounds)
  • Catapults
  • Chemical milling job shops
  • Cleaners, boiler tube
  • Crankshaft and camshaft machining
  • Cups, oil and grease: metal
  • Electrical discharge machining (EDM)
  • Fan forges
  • Ferris wheels
  • Filters, internal combustion engine: oil, gasoline, air intake, except
  • Grinding castings for the trade
  • Hose, flexible metallic
  • Leak detectors, water
  • Machine shops, jobbing and repair
  • Propellers, ship and boat: machined
  • Riddles, sand (hand sifting or screening apparatus)
  • Sludge tables
  • Swage blocks
  • Ties, form: metal
  • Tubing, flexible metallic
  • Weather vanes
Kentucky Business Directory