Search For Ashland, KY Photographic Equipment and Supplies Businesses
Find in Ashland, Kentucky Photographic Equipment and Supplies businesses. Search Photographic Equipment and Supplies local businesses located in Ashland, KY to get the pet products and services you want and need.
Find Photographic Equipment and Supplies Businesses
The Kentucky Business Directory connects people with local Ashland Kentucky Photographic Equipment and Supplies businesses - small and large. In Ashland there are local businesses ready to meet your shopping needs - both for products and services.
These Ashland, KY Photographic Equipment and Supplies businesses can help you find the goods and services you are searching for.
The SIC code for these Ashland local businesses is: 3861.
Ashland, Kentucky - Photographic Equipment and Supplies Businesses |
Frank Duvall |
What Is The Description For Photographic Equipment and Supplies Businesses?
Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing: (1) photographic apparatus, equipment, parts, attachments, and accessories, such as still and motion picture camera and projection apparatus; photocopy and microfilm equipment; blueprinting and diazotype (white printing) apparatus and equipment; and other photographic equipment; and (2) sensitized film, paper, cloth, and plates, and prepared photographic chemicals for use therewith. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing photographic paper stock (unsensitized), and paper mats, mounts, easels, and folders for photographic use, are classified in Major Group 26; those manufacturing photographic lenses are classified in Industry 3827; those manufacturing photographic glass are classified in Major Group 32; those manufacturing chemicals for technical purposes, not specifically prepared and packaged for use in photography, are classified in Major Group 28; and those manufacturing photographic flash, flood, enlarger, and projection lamp bulbs are classified in Industry 3641.- Aerial cameras
- Blueprint cloth or paper, sensitized
- Blueprint reproduction machines and equipment
- Brownprint paper and cloth, sensitized
- Brownprint reproduction machines and equipment
- Cameras, microfilm
- Cameras, still and motion picture
- Densitometers
- Developers, prepared photographic: not made in chemical plants
- Developing machines and equipment, still or motion picture
- Diazo (whiteprint) paper and cloth, sensitized
- Diazotype (whiteprint) reproduction machines and equipment
- Driers, photographic
- Editing equipment, motion picture: rewinds, viewers, titlers, and
- Enlargers, photographic
- Exposure meters, photographic
- Film, sensitized: motion picture, X-ray, still camera, and special
- Fixers, prepared photographic: not made in chemical plants
- Flashlight apparatus for photographers, except bulbs
- Graphic arts plates, sensitized
- Hangers: photographic film, plate, and paper
- Heat sensitized paper made from purchased paper
- Holders: photographic film, plate, and paper
- Lantern slide plates, sensitized
- Lens shades, camera
- Light meters, photographic
- Metallic emulsion sensitized paper and cloth, photographic
- Microfiche cameras
- Microfiche readers and reader printers
- Microfilm equipment: cameras, projectors, and readers
- Motion picture apparatus and equipment
- Motion picture film
- Photocopy machines
- Photoflash equipment, except lamp bulbs
- Photographic chemicals, packaged
- Photographic equipment and accessories
- Photographic instruments, electronic
- Photographic paper and cloth, sensitized
- Photographic sensitized goods
- Photoreconnaissance systems
- Plates, photographic: sensitized
- Printing equipment, photographic
- Printing frames, photographic
- Processing equipment, photographic
- Projectors, still and motion picture: silent and sound
- Range finders, photographic
- Reels, film
- Screens, projection
- Sensitometers, photographic
- Shutters, camera
- Sound recording and reproducing equipment, motion picture
- Stands, camera and projector
- Stereopticons
- Tanks: photographic developing, fixing, and washing
- Toners, prepared photographic, packaged
- Trays, photographic printing and processing
- Tripods, camera and projector
- Washers, photographic print and film